Working group Waste and Food services

In accordance with the strategic materials of Charles University for sustainable development, expert working groups (WG) were established for key areas of Administration and Operations. For the purpose of work efficiency and overlapping of sustainability topics, some key areas of Administration and Operations were merged into one WG (Energy and Construction, Waste and Food services). Thanks to the system of SD Coordinators and their partial involvement, the different WGs share the necessary information, thus ensuring transparency and efficiency in achieving common goals.

The WGs operate in a "Guarantor - Co-facilitator - Member" system, which proved its worth in the University Leaders in SDGs projects (UNILEAD I and II), which brought together 25 Czech public universities and operated from 2022-2023.

The Food services and Waste WG is primarily concerned with sustainable meals, mapping current dining facilities in the CU and the waste stream.

The members of the Waste and Food Services WG are:

  • Coordinator: Dana Kapitulčinová, Ph.D. (CU Environment Centre)

  • Co-creators: Mgr. Pavla Čerychová (Faculty of Law); Mgr. Věra Dušková (Faculty od Physical Education and Sport); RNDr. Petra Innemanová, Ph.D. (Faculty of Science); Mgr. Miroslava Hurdová (Dormitories and Refectories)

  • Members: Mgr., Ing. Nikola Rusová (UK Point, RUK)

The WGs, which aim to better coordinate activities at individual faculties and units of the CU, exchange experiences and try to move the CU as a whole towards more sustainable functioning based on specific objectives and activities, are supported by NPO 7.4 Green Skills and Sustainability Support at Universities ("Green Skills at the CU").

Last change: March 10, 2025 14:23 
Get in Touch

Ing. Lenka Henebergová

Member of the Rector's Board for Social Affairs and Sustainable Development

Mgr. Ing. Nikola Rusová

Sustainable Development Manager

How to reach us