Administration and Operations

Given Charles University's size and position, it is its responsibility to lead by example in achieving its sustainability goals within its own operations and facility management. By 2030, it plans to implement greenhouse gas emissions monitoring (according to ISO 14064 or the GHG Protocol) and to take the first steps towards achieving carbon neutrality for Charles University no later than 2050 (specific commitments to ongoing greenhouse gas emissions reduction will be incorporated into the Sustainability Strategy and the Action Plan during the 2026 update). The university's environmental footprint will be regularly calculated and published, following the European Commission's recommendations on sustainability reporting according to the recently published legislation (ESRS6).

In the construction sector, a new certification will be introduced according to current standards (e.g. LEED). Another key step will be mapping out Charles University's impact from operations and procurement on biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as the overall management of water and green areas.

Aspects of sustainable development are strongly intertwined and complementary. Thus, the division into individual areas is only formal, and in practice, we encounter synergies across the disciplines. These are dealt with by working groups, which contribute to sustainable development through their expertise and serve to interlink the agendas.

Working Groups

In accordance with Charles University's strategic materials for sustainable development, expert working groups (WGs) have been established for key areas of Administration and Operations. In order to work efficiently and to ensure overlapping sustainability themes, some key areas of Governance and Operations have been merged into one WG (Energy and Construction, Waste and Food Services). Thanks to the system of SD Coordinators and their partial involvement, the different WGs share the necessary information, thus ensuring transparency and efficiency in achieving common goals.

The WGs operate in the "Guarantor – Co-facilitator – Affiliate" system, which provided useful input for the University Leaders in SDGs projects (UNILEAD I and II). These projects brought together 25 Czech public HEIs and ran from 2022 to 2023.

Energy and Construction WG

The Energy and Construction WG is primarily concerned with mapping out the current state at CU and the possibilities for transformation towards the sustainable construction and operation of university buildings.

The members of the Energy and Construction WG are:

  • Coordinator: Ing. Jiří Brandtlík (Department of Construction, Rectorate of CU)

  • Co-creators: Ing. Pavel Bartoň (Faculy of Medicine in Hradec Králové); Ing. Pavel Bartoň (Faculty of Medicine on Pilsen); Ing. Milan Skrbek (Faculty od Physical Education and Sport); Ing. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D. (CU Environment Centre)

  • Members: Mgr., Ing. Nikola Rusová (CU Point, Rectorate of CU); Eva Šulcová (Dormitories and Refectories); Ing. Ladislav Bůcha (Department of Construction, Rectorate of CU); Ing. Jan Javůrek (Premises and Facilities Administration, Rectorate of CU); Pavel Michálek (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics); Ing. Pavel Schinkmann (First Faculty of Medicine); doc. MUDr. Jan Trnka, Ph.D. (Third Faculty of Medicine)

Water, Greenery, and Biodiversity WG

The Water, Greenery, and Biodiversity WG is primarily concerned with mapping out green spaces under CU management and their use to support biodiversity.

Members of the PS Water, greenery and biodiversity are:

  • Coordinator: Mgr. Lucie Buchbauerová (Faculty of Science)

  • Co-creators: RNDr. Petra Horká (Faculty of Science), Ph.D.; Mgr. Pavel Moskala, ThD. (Protestant Theological Faculty); RNDr. Ondřej Sedláček, Ph.D. (Faculty of Science); Doc. Mgr. Michal Žák, Ph.D. (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)

  • Members: Bc. Anna Řezníčková (Central Library); Mgr. Lily Carolin Pokorná Helmbold (CU Point, Rectorate CU)

Food Services and Waste WG

The Waste and Food services WG deals mainly with sustainable catering, mapping out current catering facilities at CU, and the waste stream.

The members of the Waste and Food services WG are:

  • Coordinator: Dana Kapitulčinová, Ph.D. (CU Environment Centre)

  • Co-creators: Mgr. Pavla Čerychová (Faculty of Law); Mgr. Věra Dušková (Faculty od Physical Education and Sport); RNDr. Petra Innemanová, Ph.D. (Faculty of Science); Mgr. Miroslava Hurdová (Dormitories and Refectories)

  • Members: Mgr., Ing. Nikola Rusová (UK Point, RUK)

Mobility WG

The Mobility WG is primarily concerned with the analysis of the regular commuting of students and staff, the international travel of CU staff and students, and the possibilities for their sustainable transformation.

The members of the Mobility WG are:

  • Coordinator: Mgr. Petra Šmídová, DiS. (Department of Foreign Relations, Rectorate of CU)

  • Co-creators: Ing. Pavla Albrechtová (Faculty od Physical Education and Sport); PhDr. Dana Bittnerová, CSc. (Faculty of Humanities); JUDr. et Mgr. Vojtěch Máca, Ph.D. (CU Environment Centre); RNDr. Tomáš Matějček, Ph.D. (Faculty of Science)

  • Members: Mgr. Soňa Pavlovičová (Center for Theoretical Studies); Mgr. Lily Carolin Pokorná Helmbold (CU Point, Rectorate CU); Mgr. Petr Lachman (Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies)

The plan and objectives will be publicly available and regularly evaluated and updated in the light of national and international commitments.

Last change: March 10, 2025 14:21 
Get in Touch

Ing. Lenka Henebergová

Member of the Rector's Board for Social Affairs and Sustainable Development

Mgr. Ing. Nikola Rusová

Sustainable Development Manager

How to reach us