"The core of a university are people. They are the bearers of the institutional culture, which is decisive for the standard of education, research and internal governance. Outstanding scholars and teachers are able to unlock the potential of students, who, thanks to that, come up with questions, new ideas and solutions, continue where their predecessors were not able or allowed to go. If we are to reduce the gap between ourselves and the world's best universities, care for people, their talents, and their experience, intuition and expertise must be our top priority. The best people make the best university." (Strategic Plan of Charles University 2021-2025)
In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the university is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all students and employees. This is not only about gender equality, but also about supporting the caregivers, people with different types of disabilities, reconciling family and work life and providing a safe environment.
Another example of good practice is the prestigious "HR Excellence in Research" award, which reflects both equal opportunities and sustainable development in a broader context. Charles University has held this award since 2019, which demonstrates the continuous improvement of working conditions for its academic and research staff and a commitment to maintaining high standards in the area of human resources in research.
In challenging situations, the University Ombudswoman is there to support staff members and students when dealing with a variety of suggestions for creating a safe organizational culture at the university. At faculty level, she is supported by ombudspersons for faculties and other units of the university. The Ombuds deals with a wide range of complaints ranging from unjustified delays, bullying, mobbing and bossing to sexualized and gender-based violence, and other situations negatively affecting the conditions for study or work.
All additional information on equal opportunities can be found here.
A supportive environment for students and staff is a key factor in the successful and productive functioning of the University's community. This wellbeing is not only about healthy interpersonal relationships, but also about access to sports facilities, psychological support, and healthy food options. Ensuring a thriving environment is also guided by the overarching Sustainable Development Goals.
Diverse support and awareness-raising events, news and a contact centre for the whole university community and much more is offered by the CU Point.
Services for students range from the Study Club Celetná, Welcome Days for new students networking opportunities, to the Carolina Centre, which provides support for people with disabilities, socioeconomic disadvantages, or those who have been subjected to sexual harassment or bullying. Further evidence of the University's commitment to wellbeing is the initiation of the "Healthy Campus" certification process under the auspices of the International University Sports Federation (FISU).
For employees, the CU Point is a place that is guided by the motto: "We know what our employees appreciate. We are one of them."
It is therefore a starting point for employee wellbeing, which the University actively supports. Focal areas include, among others, the promotion of physical and mental health with the offer of yoga, counseling services of the Carolina Centre and various sports activities.
An oft-cited concept nowadays is work-life balance, i.e. finding a balance between work and personal life. The University supports this balance both through flexible working hours and, for example, by offering services for parents (kindergartens and children's play areas). For the development of personality and soft-skills, the university offers foreign language courses, various educational opportunities, orientation support for foreign academic staff, various cultural offers and many other events, the programme of which can be found here.
Ing. Lenka Henebergová
Member of the Rector's Board for Social Affairs and Sustainable Development
Mgr. Ing. Nikola Rusová
Sustainable Development Manager