
Both materials were modified on the basis of suggestions and comments, which were submitted through the Rector's invitation to the "Sustainable Development Roundtable" by the faculties (deans, bursars), the Extended Rector's Board, the Academic Senate, the Commission for the Third Role of the CU AS. The students and staff of the University were approached to participate in the commenting process through several information channels (student and staff newsletter for the month of March, CU website and social media, meeting of heads of departments of the rectorate, etc.).

In total, nearly eighty comments and suggestions were raised, most of which were addressed by way of clarification, acceptance/partial acceptance. For this purpose, a summary of the comments was prepared and forwarded to the university authorities involved in the consultation procedure (see above), which was subsequently circulated to the individual respondents who actively participated in the comments.

In addition to minor wording changes and clarifications, the more significant changes include:

  • Strengthening other aspects of sustainable development. Based on the comment process and roundtable discussion, the wording of the strategy's linkages to other areas of sustainable development and sub-strategies of the University has been changed. In particular, the changes affect the second chapter of the Strategy. These modifications were made to address comments that the material is mainly focused on environmental sustainability and a proposal to change the title of the document to e.g. " CU Environmental Sustainability Strategy", which was not accepted as a result (also discussed at the round table).

  • Adjustment of the wording of the Mission and the Vision of the Strategy. The text has been amended in particular with regard to the substantive comments, which focused on the correctness of the general wording and concept of the Mission and Vision in the strategic materials. Thus, the Mission describes the main focus of the University's activities, while the Vision sets out the ambitious goals towards which the University wants to strive, followed by a list of activities to optimally achieve these goals.

  • Renaming of area of interest I. a. ii. Strategy documents and progress reporting on sustainable development that has been interwoven into both materials. We believe that the original name of the area was restricted in scope, so we have decided, not only in line with the comments, to expand it and allow reporting here, for example, on the results of global sustainability rankings (THE Impact Ranking, QS Sustainability Rankings), or in the future also on ESRS reporting (European Sustainability Reporting Standards), which builds on the new ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) concept currently being prepared by the European Commission.

    In connection with the above changes, the Action Plan specifies and clarifies the related measure Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the CU Sustainable Development Strategy.

  • Changes in the area of interest I. a. ii. Greenhouse gas emissions that have been interwoven into both materials. A recurring comment regarding the lack of monitoring of CU greenhouse gas emissions and the ambition to become a carbon neutral institution by 2050 at the latest was reflected. In the Strategy, the ambition for carbon neutrality was added to the Vision and also to one of the sub-objectives. A new calculation of CU emissions, called Scope 1 and Scope 2 (direct emissions and indirect emissions from energy), was proposed in the Action Plan for 2022 as a baseline and preparation for future calculation of CU emissions, as well as Scope 3 (additional indirect emissions).

  • Changes to the names of areas of interest II. e. i. Business and study trips (especially abroad) and II. e. ii. Regular study/work trips, which have been interwoven into both materials. The first name change reflects the comment on the absence of student mobility and the need to emphasise longer distance travel, and thus translates into the changes made in the related measure Mapping the possibility of setting up support for the choice of more environmentally friendly modes of transport for business and study trips covered by the Action Plan. The second name change is then logically linked to the shorter journeys that students and university staff make, so to speak, on an almost daily basis.

  • Changes in key areas III. Education, science and research and IV. Third role and external cooperation, which have been interwoven into both materials. Based on the comments, the objectives, sub-objectives and performance indicators have been modified in the form of additions to programmes ( study, LLL), publications, practical application and engagement in public debate.

  • Addition of introductory text and extension of measure (to meet sub-objective I. a. ii. Strategic documents and reporting on progress on sustainable development) Repository of ideas and suggestions for sustainable development in the Action Plan. The extension or addition of an introductory text is a general response to the comment that any areas not currently addressed in the Action Plan by a specific measure should be explained why this is the case. Following the processing of the comments, we have also decided to create a repository to which important ideas and suggestions that emerge from the implementation process of the Strategy and Action Plan will be gradually added. Already from the commenting process itself we have received many suggestions suitable for inspiration, potential elaboration or consideration.

  • Changes in the measure (to fulfil sub-objective II. b. i. Reconstruction of buildings and new construction) Pilot EPC study for the Krystal Centre site reflect the development of the project and the need to specify the outline of its content as set out in the Action Plan.

  • Addition of measure (to fulfil sub-objective II. d. i. Waste monitoring) Analysis of the baseline state of biodegradable waste management at the University's Dormitories and Canteens into the Action Plan. This measure was additionally included in the Action Plan mainly to address comments highlighting the absence of any action in this area of interest, and also because of the general current interest in biodegradable waste, its more efficient collection and potential recovery (e.g. evidenced by the UNILEAD II CRP).

  • Completion of measure (to meet sub-objective II. d. ii. Prevention, sorting and further processing of waste) Improving the efficiency of the biodegradable waste management system at the University's Dormitories and Canteens in the Action Plan in accordance with and in relation to the above-mentioned change.

  • Addition of measure (to meet sub-objective II.e. ii. Regular journeys to study/work) Analysis of the means of transport choice when travelling to study and work in the Action Plan. This is essentially the only comprehensively formulated draft measure that was submitted by a respondent during the comment process. In view of its expertise, continuity with an existing project, needfulness, etc., we have decided to include it in the Action Plan.

Suggestions resulting from the development and expert consultation of strategic materials and their subsequent commenting process, including the Round Table, were entered into the SD Repository od Ideas and Initiatives.

Last change: February 28, 2025 10:24 
Get in Touch

Ing. Lenka Henebergová

Member of the Rector's Board for Social Affairs and Sustainable Development

Mgr. Ing. Nikola Rusová

Sustainable Development Manager

How to reach us