IAU ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The International Association of Universities [ URL "https://iau-aiu.net/"] (IAU) was foun auspices of UNESCO in 1950. The association's activities are mainly focused on promoting t development agenda in higher education and popularizing the topic as a part of the third r universities. CU is an active member of this association and participates in the cluster [ URL "https:// node/2666"] addressing "Quality Education", the fourth Sustainable Development Goal. In th article on the impact of universities on the SDGs was published with the participation of The article is available HERE [ URL "https://publications.cuni.cz/handle/20.500.14178/1780 Collaboration with the IAU on behalf of the CU has long been provided by the Charles Unive Centre [ URL "https://czp.cuni.cz/en/"] .