
            UNICA Green [ URL "https://www.unica-network.eu/activity/working-groups/unica-green/"] is 

            was founded in 2011 on the initiative of the participants of the UNICA 2010 Student Confer
            The platform operates under the auspices of UNICA [ URL "https://www.unica-network.eu/"] (
            Universities from the Capitols of Europe) whose member universities are distinguished not 

            cutting-edge research and educational activities, but also by their location in European c

            The agenda of the UNICA Green group is primarily concerned with the discussion and exchang

            and practices in sustainable development at the individual universities. However, the plat
            continuously expanding its scope to also address development strategies. The aim is to inv

            university community in environmentally and socially sustainable operations and to improve
            knowledge beyond the university environment.
            The annual workshop of the UNICA Green & SDGs group promotes communication between sustain

            and managers at universities and government or city representatives. This creates a much c
            between the academic community and the practical implementation of research.

            The involvement in the UNICA Green group at CU is mainly through the Charles University En
            [ URL "https://czp.cuni.cz/en/"] . Representatives and deputies participate in roundtables
            www.unica-network.eu/event/roundtable-sustainability-strategies/"] , working group meeting

            the current status, and the elaboration of new strategies, among others.