Volunteering Centre ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The Volunteering Centre at Charles University [ URL "https://volunteeringcentre.cuni.cz/DO was established to support Charles University students in volunteer activities and to conn partner non-profit organizations. We believe that student volunteer activities benefit soc students develop both personal and professional skills. The Volunteer Centre provides admi organizational support, offers consultations, and facilitates knowledge sharing. The Centre’s mission is primarily to: • facilitate volunteer experiences for Charles University students, • develop students' competencies essential for their personal and professional life throug activities, • provide administrative and organizational support for student volunteers, • strengthen students' civic engagement and fulfil the university’s third role in society. The Volunteering Centre also collaborates with a wide variety of partner organizations, ea unique opportunities for involvement in projects and activities. One of the largest partne the non-profit organization People in Need [ URL "https://www.peopleinneed.net/"] , which volunteer activities such as tutoring children, educational mentoring for high school stud and volunteering in media departments. Other partner organizations include Hnutí Brontosau "https://brontosaurus.cz/english/"] , the Organization for Aid to Refugees [ URL "http://h www.opu.cz/en/"] , Caritas Czech Republic [ URL "https://www.charita.cz/en/"] , and Memory Nations [ URL "https://www.memoryofnations.eu/en"] . The full list can be found in the Vol Opportunities [ URL "https://volunteeringcentre.cuni.cz/DOENG-8.html"] section, where you register in the database of volunteers [ URL "https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage. id=2naS4DT5hkC_CIgWogQUohRqTqHG_W5KhPfju2K-2WpUMkJCRERSSURHSENISzVYWTRGVzhMMklUQS4u&route=