Responsible public procurement ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Charles University places great emphasis on responsible public procurement as part of its policy, reflecting its ethical values and stance on important social and environmental iss The university takes responsibility for its purchases and their impacts. In June 2020, the university adopted a Strategy for Responsible Public Procurement, settin and priorities in sustainable procurement and openly communicating these principles to the suppliers. In 2023, Charles University began evaluating the functioning of the Strategy and preparing In April 2024, the updated Strategy was approved, and it is valid until 2029: Charles University declared its intention to promote its ethical values, expressing its st and environmentally significant issues, in its procurement processes (public procurement). Our efforts focus on maximizing the use of public funds to achieve sustainable development the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through this approach, Charles University not only a its values but also sets an example in responsible public procurement, hopefully motivatin procurers to adopt similar practices. The main objectives of Charles University in sustainable procurement are: • Development of responsible public procurement at Charles University • Support for the implementation and development of responsible public procurement at univ Czech Republic and support for the creation of educational opportunities in the field. Transparency, compliance with fair working conditions in supply chains, support for small enterprises, social enterprises, and environmentally friendly solutions, including the cir are paramount at the university. We are exploring ways to involve our students in sustaina (e.g. through internships) or in the community (e.g. open communication about ongoing cons contracts). The Department of Public Procurement at the university's Rectorate, in collaboration with faculties and departments, serves as the responsible procurement manager. Charles University is a member of the Platform for Responsible Public Procurement.