Science & Research ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Charles University, as an important research institution, can greatly contribute to sustai through its research activities. The university aims for the strategic application of adva and innovation, the rapid and successful implementation of research findings, as well as f interdisciplinary academic discussion on current topics and challenges both within and out Republic. There are numerous topics across all faculties and institutes, ranging from nanomaterials, drought, space, the impacts of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, to healthy lifestyles, ecolo quality education, medical care, and legal issues concerning the environment. The wide ran cultivated at the university offers immense potential for interdisciplinary research. Sust development has its place in both basic and applied research and is supported by universit European, and international grant schemes. The university also promotes open access [ URL"] to research results and data [ URL "https://openscien OSCIEN-50.html"] , as evidenced by the recently established Centre for the Support of Open ""] For example, the potential of interdisciplinarity is leveraged by the Progres Q16 Programm Research. This is one of 50 projects supported by the university's Progres grant scheme, w basic institutional support for research at Charles University. Six faculties and one inst Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Law, the Third Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Math Physics, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Humanities, and the Environment Centre) its implementation. The unique combination of natural sciences, humanities, and social sci a better understanding of the functionality and structure of the environment and the use o approaches and methodologies. Over 100 academic and scientific staff and approximately ten participate in this research project each year. The topic of sustainable development is an integral part of modern economics: from issues allocation to recommendations for government and economic policies. Therefore, CERGE-EI at University addresses many problems that at least indirectly relate to sustainable developm great potential to develop this area, provided that appropriate resources are allocated. A research topics are studies focused on the relationships between environmental pollution, migration, and deforestation in developing countries. For example, at the Faculty of Pharmacy, research is conducted on the over-prescription, p improper use of pharmaceuticals, which can lead to excessive accumulation and often incorr Besides the direct impact on the environment, the research also addresses the unjustified pharmaceuticals by manufacturers.