Education ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** In the area of science and research, Charles University primarily focuses on educating stu interested parties on the topic of sustainable development. Among the main means are the i sustainability issues in study programmes, lifelong learning courses, and programmes for t the Third Age. The university offers students study programmes that directly address sustainability topic perspectives based on the subject of the faculties. The Institute for Environmental Studies [ URL " studies?set_language=en"] at the Faculty of Science offers bachelor's and master's program and Environmental Protection and PhD programmes in Environmental Sciences and Applied and Ecology. At the Department of Atmospheric Physics [ URL "" of Mathematics and Physics, it is possible to enrol in master's and PhD programmes in Atmo Meteorology, and Climatology. The Faculty of Education offers bachelor's and follow-up mas in Biology, Geology, and Environmental Studies, and Health Education. The focus on the soc sustainability is offered by the Faculty of Humanities as part of its master's programme i Cultural Ecology. In addition to sustainability-oriented fields, Charles University also offers a large numb elective, or optional courses that students can enrol in across the faculties. From an environmental perspective, sustainability is primarily addressed in courses at sci faculties. For example, the Faculty of Science offers courses such as Global Change, Photo Sustainable Development, or Environmentally Sustainable Development, as well as an English in Sustainability Science in Addressing Global Change [ URL " id=8de8299ac9deacddc7c5d11cad8f5c1b&tid=&do=predmet&kod=MO550P128"] . Other courses addres topics through nature conservation, ecology, biodiversity, or migration. The Third Faculty offers a course entitled Impacts of Climate and Ecological Crisis on Health. From a social and economic perspective, environmental topics are addressed by humanities-o faculties. The Faculty of Social Sciences offers a wide range of courses in Czech and Engl as Sustainable Communication, Geopolitics of the Climate Crisis [ URL " predmety/index.php?id=8de8299ac9deacddc7c5d11cad8f5c1b&tid=&do=predmet&kod=JTM663&skr=2023 Global Politics of Development and Environment [ URL " id=8de8299ac9deacddc7c5d11cad8f5c1b&tid=&do=predmet&kod=JPB371"] , Environmental Economics or Climate Change Politics from a Comparative Area Perspective [ URL " predmety/index.php?id=8de8299ac9deacddc7c5d11cad8f5c1b&tid=&do=predmet&kod=JTB332"] . At t Faculty of Law, sustainability is mainly addressed by the Department of Environmental Law, offers courses in Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, International Environm Law, as well as Environmental Law and Policy [ URL " id=8de8299ac9deacddc7c5d11cad8f5c1b&tid=&do=predmet&kod=HSSC1"] in English. The Faculty of offers a course on Development, Globalization, Climate Change. Since 2022, Charles University also organizes a Sustainable Development course, the aim of to introduce various aspects of sustainability through lectures by experts. This course is students of Charles University. Charles University also ensures the availability of electronic resources and the digitaliz of scripts through the UKAĊ½ [ URL " vid=420CKIS_INST:UKAZ&lang=en"] platform and offers e-learning opportunities through the E Centre [ URL ""] . Thanks to the digitalization of resou are more accessible, and there is no need to have them in paper form. Some faculties have to submitting final papers only in electronic form.