Strategy ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The strategy outlines the key concept and goals for the sustainable development agenda acr university. It aims to move the CU towards sustainable operations by 2030, not only throug approach to its activities, but also to its educational and creative efforts. It therefore key areas of development that reflect the core activities of the University and all its co I.Management and organisation IIAdministration and operations IIEducation, science and research IVThird role and partnerships Current version of the Strategy (November 2024): Charles University Sustainable Development Strategy: Towards Sustainability 2030 [ URL "SU strategie_ur_eng_graficka_uprava.pdf"] Initial version of the Strategy (May 2023): Charles University Sustainable Development Strategy: Towards Sustainability 2030 [ URL "SU sus_85_version1_strategie_udrzitelneho_rozvoje_uk_en.pdf"]