2025 Edition ****************************************************************************************** * Team challenge for sustainable mobility ****************************************************************************************** How to combine sustainable commuting and building a stronger team spirit? With the May Bik Challenge [ URL "https://dopracenakole.cz/en/may-challenge"] , organized by AutoMat [ URL mat.cz/en"] and accepted by Charles University on a university-wide scale! We therefore invite all employees to join this team-based spring initiative, which serves improve the urban environment by switching to low-emission transport [ URL "https://sustai SUSEN-78.html"] (bike, scooter, walk, wheelchair, skateboard, etc.), but also to improve p and strengthen the team spirit within your faculty or unit. ****************************************************************************************** * How to join? ****************************************************************************************** The May challenge is aimed at teams of 2-5 members, who strive together during the whole m achieve the highest number of kilometres driven or walked, but above all to maintain as mu possible! After all, sustainability is about long-term goals. But don't wait—sign up now! Charles University is covering the entry fee for the first 17 our commitment to sustainability. So get your team together quickly and individually tick employer pays the participation fee" when registering [ URL "https://dpnk.dopracenakole.cz among the first to take advantage of this great opportunity. If you register later, we wil about the possibilities to pay the entry fee. In May, each of the participants will then record their rides in the Bike to Work portal. conduct an evaluation and announcement of the winning teams within the UK - an event not t ****************************************************************************************** * Why get involved? ****************************************************************************************** There are numerous reasons: From improved fitness, good mood after the morning activity an well-being through regular exercise, to promoting sustainable mobility, protecting the env contributing to a zero-emission transport infrastructure. Indeed, the anonymised data of recorded routes is collected by Automat and helps cities to and walking infrastructure where it is needed and to improve problematic areas. After a successful registration, all participants will receive contest T-shirts made of bi practical neck warmers – both with an original Bike to Work logo [ URL "http://Bike to Wor Participants with 66% and higher regularity selected by a lot can look forward to great re bikes, scooters, package holidays, or tickets to various sports and cultural events. So be for the newsletter. ****************************************************************************************** * The theme of this year’s May Challenge is the Path to Balance ****************************************************************************************** Well being are nowadays often glossed over terms, which, however, do not often come up sho life. But the May Challenge gives you the opportunity to combine activities that benefit your ph health, reduce stress and contribute to healthy and sustainable cities at the same time. L in the garage is easier than you think, and we believe that the great team spirit and joy together will put a smile on your face every day! After all, a healthy lifestyle is all ab "https://dopracenakole.cz/en/44850/tematem-letosni-kvetnove-vyzvy-je-cesta-k-rovnovaze"] . We look forward to numerous sign-ups and some healthy competition between the university t If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the CU coordinator, Mgr. Caro [ MAIL "carolin.pokorna(zavinac)ruk.cuni.cz"] .