Sustainable ERASMUS+ Travel ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The aim of the KA2 SUSTAINABLE ERASMUS+ TRAVEL (SET) project is to bring about a broader i political system change so that the Erasmus+ mobilities would become more sustainable in d its goals are to raise awareness about climate change and its impact on the environment, a to emphasize the need for individual responsibility and change in all the parties who take tertiary education under the Erasmus+ programme. The SET project will take course over 28 months. It started in February 2024 and will end can find more information about the project here: SET [ URL ""] . The project consortium is made of: European University Foundation (EUF, coordinator), Univ Porto, Charles University in Prague, Universitat Zurich, Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and Generation Climate Europe and Erasmus by Train. The SET project was designed as to comply with the three following objectives in order to regarding the sustainable student travel: • to support the shift towards more sustainable mobilities via a survey that will analyse circumstances that lead to the student’s decision on the means of transport to their Era destination • the creation of a platform on sustainable travel that will promote sustainable travel (a an online competition) and that will contribute to the perception of mobilities as a lea transformative experience, enabling the students to get to know more countries and to ta advantage of the European citizenship • to recognise the added value of sustainable travel by creating and summarising the so-ca competences and setting up a framework for the recognition of these soft skills These objectives will be achieved by analysing the students’ travel habits, including the and use of the additional green allowance (the Green Erasmus), and by assessing what is ad for the students in order for them to use more sustainable means of transport. An online c will be created for the students to present their experience about travelling to and from destination using sustainable means of transport. And finally, a digital archive of the en friendly competences acquired by travelling sustainably will be devised and a framework fo of these skills will be created. The task of Charles University was to create the methodology for the creation of the focus organisation and evaluation. These focus groups were held at Charles University, in Porto, at one ESN in Brussels. The participants were asked to discuss sustainable travel to and f mobilities. Based on the output of these groups, Charles University developed and compiled now being shared among all partners on different European platforms and networks. ****************************************************************************************** * Student Survey on Sustainable Travel and Green Mobility ****************************************************************************************** The survey [ URL " students who have already been abroad on an Erasmus+ stay or are about to do one in the ne students are of different ages and nationalities, from different socio-economic background special needs, at different stages of their studies across different areas of study and fo The questionnaire consists of four parts: • Identification (Personal Data) • University/Study Data (Data about their studies and university) • Daily habits and civic engagement • Transport Data • Final (Conclusion) The questionnaire is written in English as should be all the received answers. The time ne out the questionnaire is approximately 10-20 minutes. The deadline for filling out the survey is Friday 13th December 2024 at midnight. The survey can be found here: here [ URL " id=2naS4DT5hkC_CIgWogQUoljAlmCsQslOurPoJ_qZ1_tUMTBOWFpFUlM2REcxRElJNlNaVjkyUTdSNS4u&route= Should you encounter some problems while filling out the questionnaire, do not hesitate to Dermati [ MAIL "salome.dermati(zavinac)"] , Policy and Research Officer a University Foundation (EUF).