2023 Edition ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** In 2023, the first edition of the Sustainable Development Grant Competition took place (an to mid-June). CZK 200,000 CZK was allocated for the call. A total of nine submitted projects were evaluated by an expert committee consisting of: Mgr. Kristýna Bubeníková, Chair of the Commission for the Third Role of the CU AS Dana Kapitulčinová, Ph.D., CU Environment Centre Mgr. Martin Maňásek, CU Bursar Mgr. Zuzanou Poláková, Head of CU Point Mgr. Ing. Nikola Rusová, CU Sustainable Development Manager PhDr. Ing. Marie Vymazalová, Ph.D., Member of the Rector's Board for Social Affairs and Su Development. Five projects were shortlisted. One project was subsequently excluded due to double fundin decided to support two projects in full, and budget cuts were discussed for the remaining winning projects, for which the first half of the grant was paid in connection with the an competition results, and the second half after the submission of the final report, include • Animated science videos for children focusing on sustainability as part of the "Try to a The aim of the project is to provide quality and entertaining educational content that c scientific knowledge to children and promotes their interest in science. The project wil promoting sustainable lifestyles and ecological thinking through 10 fun and engaging ani The project was to be supported with a total of CZK 60,000 (half of the grant was paid o valid reasons the project was not fully implemented in the end). • Hofmanka Permaculture Garden Creation of the Hofmanka Permaculture Garden on the plot of land located in front of the Humanities building and nicknamed "the jungle". The idea is that this garden would not o by students of the nearby faculty, but also by residents of the adjacent dormitory build members of the team were Ondřej Koc and Antonín Vávra (both from the CU Faculty of Human project was supported with a total of CZK 60,000. • Sustainable education and popularization of environmental protection Rozárie Haškovcová (CU Faculty of Social Sciences) is touring Czech secondary and primar workshop on the realities of the fashion industry, encouraging pupils to think criticall find solutions to the current unsustainable approach to fashion. The project was support of CZK 23,000. • CU 2023 support to maintain the effectiveness of antimicrobials The main focus of the project, which is represented mainly by Aneta Pierzynová and Vojtě (both from the CU First Faculty of Medicine CU), is to stimulate interdisciplinary commu collaboration and also to introduce the concept of One Health to students. An important connect students and instructors of different faculties with working groups outside the was supported with a total of CZK 45,000. The winning projects, which have contributed to a better world around us, whether through element in the student environment or through educational and awareness-raising activities presented on Saturday, 27 January 2024 at 2 p.m. at Campus Hybernská as part of a clothes reading room.