Envigogika ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The peer-reviewed journal Envigogika [ URL "https://www.envigogika.cuni.cz/index.php/Envig published by Charles University, is an important open access platform in the area of envir education. This journal aims to cultivate scientific discourse in environmental sciences a interdisciplinary dialogue with related fields. Published original scientific articles are rigorous peer-review process. The journal is indexed in the prestigious ERIH [ URL "https://kanalregister.hkdir.no/publi erihplus/"] and DOAJ [ URL "https://doaj.org/"] databases and is also included in the RVVI vyzkum.gov.cz/Default.aspx?lang=en"] list of peer-reviewed journals. In accordance with th methodology for evaluating scientific output, the articles published are classified in the In 2023 [ URL "https://www.envigogika.cuni.cz/index.php/Envigogika/issue/view/44"] , a tot reviewed scientific articles and several non-peer-reviewed articles were published in Envi following year, 2024 [ URL "https://www.envigogika.cuni.cz/index.php/Envigogika/issue/view journal published 3 peer-reviewed articles and a collection of non-peer-reviewed papers.